Tithing To The Storehouse

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Tithing To The Storehouse

Have you ever considered that your relationship with money might be a barometer for your spiritual health? It's a thought-provoking concept that challenges our typical views on faith and finances. Let's explore this idea and see how it could transform our approach to giving and our connection with God.

When we think about growing closer to God or returning to Him after a period of distance, our minds often jump to practices like prayer, church attendance, or Bible study. Rarely do we consider our financial habits as a key indicator of our spiritual state. Yet, there's a profound truth hidden in this unexpected connection.

Consider this: What if one of the first signs of spiritual drift wasn't a lack of prayer, but a subtle shift in your attitude towards giving? It's a challenging thought, isn't it? The idea that our generosity - or lack thereof - could be a tangible manifestation of our spiritual condition is both confronting and enlightening. 

That seems to be the connection God is making in Malachi chapter 3. “Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty. “But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’ “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings.” (vs 7-8)

God sees our lack of generosity as distance from Him and calls us to return! 

The concept of "robbing God" might sound harsh or even impossible. How can finite beings like us possibly rob the infinite Creator of the universe? Yet, this powerful metaphor illustrates how seriously God views our approach to giving.

When we withhold our tithes and offerings, we're not just keeping money for ourselves. We're potentially hindering God's work, limiting the blessings He wants to pour out on us and others. It's a sobering thought that our individual choices about giving can have ripple effects far beyond our personal finances.

As His people, He expects us to invite Him into our finances. He can’t multiply it if you don’t put it into His hands. 

The principle of bringing the "whole tithe into the storehouse" is about more than just a percentage. It's about cultivating a heart of generosity and trust in God's provision. Tithing means 10% of our income. 

The key is developing a mindset of generosity that permeates all areas of life. It's about recognizing that everything we have ultimately comes from God and choosing to honor Him with our resources.

Interestingly, giving is one area where we're invited to "test" God. It's a unique challenge - to step out in faith with our finances and see if God will "open the floodgates of heaven" in response. This isn't about treating God like a cosmic vending machine, but about trusting His promises and His character.

The promise isn't just about financial return. It's about God's blessing manifesting in various ways - protection from unnecessary expenses, resources stretching further than they normally would, and a general sense of God's provision in all areas of life.

The New Covenant Perspective

Some might argue that teachings on tithing are outdated, belonging to the Old Testament era. However, if we consider that the New Covenant in Jesus brought an upgrade in every area, wouldn't it make sense that the principles of giving and blessing would be enhanced rather than diminished?

The heart of giving in the New Testament is even more radical and generous than the Old Testament tithe. It's about a transformed heart that gives freely, not out of obligation but out of love and gratitude.

It's natural to sometimes question the benefit of giving, especially when we see others who don't give prospering. The temptation to think, "What's the point?" or "Is it really worth it?" is a common human experience. These doubts can creep in, especially in a world where social media constantly showcases the apparent success and wealth of others.

We tend to think we’re the only ones who think this way, but it turns out to be an age-old problem that all humans face. Look what the Israelites were saying: 

“You have spoken arrogantly against me,” says the Lord. “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?’ “You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What do we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly evildoers prosper, and even when they put God to the test, they get away with it.’” (vs 13-15)

This is where faith comes into play. Trusting God's promises even when we can't immediately see the results is a crucial part of our spiritual growth. Our tendency is to turn it into a formula and then act disappointed when we don’t get an unexpected check in the mail. We must decide to do what’s right - even if we’re having trouble seeing the point. It's about believing that God's economy operates differently from the world's and that His blessings often come in ways we might not expect or immediately recognize.

The Multiplication Principle

Consider the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with just five loaves and two fish. This miracle illustrates a fundamental principle of God's kingdom - He takes what we offer in faith, no matter how small, and multiplies it beyond our imagination.

When we withhold our giving, we're not just keeping money for ourselves; we're potentially robbing ourselves of the multiplication God wants to do in our lives. It's like having a savings account but never making a deposit - there's nothing for interest to grow on.

What if we approached giving as an opportunity for spiritual growth rather than a financial obligation? Here's a challenge: Consider committing to consistent tithing for the next six months. Whether you're new to the concept or have fallen out of the habit, this could be a transformative spiritual exercise.

It's not about the amount but about the heart behind it. It's about saying, "God, I trust you with this area of my life. I'm going to step out in faith and see what you will do."

Remember, this isn't a guarantee of financial windfall. It's an invitation to experience God's faithfulness and provision in new ways. It's about aligning our hearts with God's and allowing Him to work in and through us.

The connection between our finances and our spiritual life is more significant than we often realize. Our approach to giving can be a tangible expression of our trust in God and our commitment to His kingdom.

As we cultivate a heart of generosity, we open ourselves up to experience God's blessings in new and unexpected ways. We position ourselves to be channels of His provision, not just for ourselves but for others as well.

So, let's embrace this challenge. Let's view our giving not as a burden, but as an exciting opportunity to partner with God in His work. Who knows what floodgates of heaven might open as we step out in faith?

Remember, it's not about the amount; it's about the heart. Start where you are, be consistent, and watch how God moves in response to your faithfulness. The journey of generous living is one of the most rewarding adventures in our walk with God. Serving Him is never futile. 


Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide to get started giving regularly:

Day 1: Returning to God

Reading: Malachi 3:7-12

Devotional: God's invitation to "return to me" is a powerful reminder of His desire for relationship with us. Today's passage highlights how our financial stewardship is intimately connected to our spiritual life. Reflect on areas where you may have drifted from God. How might your approach to giving reflect your heart's condition? Consider how trusting God with your finances can be an act of returning to Him. Pray for the courage to fully trust God in all areas of your life, including your resources.


Day 2: Testing God's Faithfulness

Reading: Matthew 6:25-34

Devotional: Jesus teaches us not to worry about our material needs, assuring us that God will provide. This echoes the challenge in Malachi to "test" God in our giving. Today, consider how worry about finances might be holding you back from generosity. How can you practically demonstrate trust in God's provision? Remember, God's blessings often extend beyond material wealth to include peace, joy, and spiritual abundance. Ask God to increase your faith in His faithfulness.


Day 3: The Heart of Generosity

Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Devotional: Paul emphasizes the attitude behind giving, encouraging a cheerful heart. This aligns with the sermon's focus on cultivating a culture of generosity. Reflect on your own motivations for giving. Are you giving out of duty, or from a place of joy and gratitude? Consider how your giving can be an expression of thanksgiving for God's grace in your life. Pray for God to cultivate a truly generous spirit within you that goes beyond just financial giving.


Day 4: God's Economy of Multiplication

Reading: John 6:1-15

Devotional: The story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 illustrates God's power to multiply our offerings. Just as the sermon highlighted, God often works with what we're willing to give Him. What "five loaves and two fish" do you have that you could offer to God? It might seem insignificant, but in God's hands, it can become more than enough. Ask God to show you how He can use your seemingly small offerings to make a big impact in His kingdom.


Day 5: Eternal Perspective on Wealth

Reading: Matthew 6:19-24

Devotional: Jesus teaches us to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. This challenges us to view our resources through an eternal lens. Reflect on how your current financial priorities align with kingdom values. Are you investing in things that have eternal significance? Consider practical ways you can use your resources to advance God's kingdom and bless others. Pray for wisdom to steward your resources in a way that honors God and builds eternal treasures.


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